Saturday, October 4, 2008

Activity # 5: Explore Flickr

Flickr used to be my photo hosting site, but I got out of the habit of using it once I hit the limit for free photos. I figured I'd find another hosting site and just never got around to doing it.
The last upload date on my photos was 2006, if that gives you an idea how long I've been pondering a replacement. I'm being very careful, okay?!

So, to get a feel of it again I went into my account and deleted all my old photos (mostly cool animated .gifs), and uploaded a couple more, just for practice. This is a digital picture taken of an old b/w instamatic photo of me when I was about 2 or so:

Then I realized I feel old as h*ll looking at this picture. And yes, they DID have cameras back then, thanks very much.

That shadow behind me is my mother, with a stiff, hairsprayed 'do that's a miniature of the "Marge Simpson" look.

To make myself feel better, I uploaded this one, too:

It's one of mine, taken with my 35 mm digital Canon EOS xti. The camera one of my cats peed on this week and probably ruined. The camera that cost about as much as a mortgage payment.

I have SO not had a good week.

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